Tag Archives: symptoms

Urticuria Diet

Urticuria, perhaps more commonly known as hives, is a skin condition caused by allergic reactions to particular substances or foods. Typical symptoms include a rash which appears on the skin with red itchy bumps that cause great discomfort to the patient. In mild cases of urticuria there is no real need for treatment as the rash generally disappears by itself after a few hours or at most a couple of days. Sometimes stress or specific foods can trigger symptoms, so the quickest remedy is to avoid such […]

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Urticaria Remedy and Relief

Skin allergies are very common and often come about as a result of the body repelling against something. Obvious symptoms consist of rashes, swelling, red patches or blotches and itchiness as the body manifests and rejects particular factors such as foods, chemicals, plants and even pets. Urticaria or hives is the common term given for this type of skin complaint and it is estimated that around twenty percent of the population suffer from it. There are two types of urticaria classified as acute and chronic. In the […]

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