Author Archives: Charlotte

Can Urticaria Be Treated

Urticaria is an itchy skin disease more commonly known as hives. It usually appears on the skin in the form of pink or red patches which can be incredibly itchy and irritating. There are two types of urticaria categorized as acute or chronic, the latter staying on the skin for an extended period of time usually beyond a good few months. The best treatment for urticaria is prevention and this can be done when the patient recognises the symptoms and what elements trigger them off. Treatment is […]

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Urticuria Diet

Urticuria, perhaps more commonly known as hives, is a skin condition caused by allergic reactions to particular substances or foods. Typical symptoms include a rash which appears on the skin with red itchy bumps that cause great discomfort to the patient. In mild cases of urticuria there is no real need for treatment as the rash generally disappears by itself after a few hours or at most a couple of days. Sometimes stress or specific foods can trigger symptoms, so the quickest remedy is to avoid such […]

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Can Urticuria Be A Warning For Other Illnesses

Urticuria is associated with an allergic reaction to either certain foods or external substances in the environment. It is also related to stress, poor diet and over indulgence or abuse of other substances. Typical signs of urticuria includes severe itchiness of the skin with red bumps and patches that can appear anywhere on the skins surface. Most people who suffer from urticuria or hives will be fortunate enough to experience a mild form of this irritable skin condition. In such cases there is no real need for […]

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Natural Methods To Treat Chronic Urticaria

Unlike acute urticaria, which a small dose of antihistamine can fix within a matter of hours, a chronic case of urticaria or hives is a little more complex as far as treatment goes. A general antihistamine will offer only short term effective relief for chronic idiopathic sufferers. Therefore it may be of interest to learn about some of the natural methods that are known be actually work and relieve some of the discomfort that comes with urticaria. Here are some of the more natural methods used by […]

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Causes Of Urticaria

There are two main types of urticaria, the first being that caused by an allergy and the second that which occurs due to any other factor and even unknown causes. Urticaria or hives is recognised as a skin disease, which cause visible red patches and itchy bumps on the surface of the skin. The majority of people who are unfortunate enough to suffer from urticaria may experience an outbreak as a result of being in a particular place where exposure to a certain substance is considerably high. […]

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5 Tip For Treating Urticaria

If you suffer from urticaria, or chronic hives, then I’m sure you’re looking for some sort of treatment, natural or not, to simply get rid of the constant itching. This is more than understandable because no one wants to live their lives in such discomfort. Typical urticaria relief is an over the counter antihistamine or for some folks may even involve steriods however, there are natural remedies for urticaria too. Just to mention, because urticaria is caused by allergies, it’s quite difficult to cure the condition. Research […]

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Homeopathic Remedies For Urticaria

Most people have never heard of the word “urticaria“. Urticaria is the medical term for the word (or condition) known as hives. Hives is seen as an inflammatory reaction to the skin causing sometimes severe itchiness. Urticaria is often associated as an allergy but it’s also known as an autoimmune disorder. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what causes urticaria as it can be triggered by certain foods we eat, drugs we take, sun exposure, exercising too much, and so on. Homeopathic remedies are perhaps slower remedies but […]

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Can Acupuncuture Relieve Urticaria

The word “cure” has to be used very loosely when it comes to medical conditions. It’s often a word more associated with marketing a product than a factual case of curing a medical symptom. Having said that, most remedies are either in the form of natural (or homeopathic) solutions or prescribed drugs from antihistamines to worse case scnarios….steroids. But, what about acupuncture? Though not nearly as common, or convenient for that matter, acupuncture can potentially help one who is suffering from urticaria. Acupuncture won’t just hide the […]

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Urticaria Remedy and Relief

Skin allergies are very common and often come about as a result of the body repelling against something. Obvious symptoms consist of rashes, swelling, red patches or blotches and itchiness as the body manifests and rejects particular factors such as foods, chemicals, plants and even pets. Urticaria or hives is the common term given for this type of skin complaint and it is estimated that around twenty percent of the population suffer from it. There are two types of urticaria classified as acute and chronic. In the […]

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Natural Urticaria Remedies

Urticaria is one of the most irritating skin complaints which manifests itself in the form of itchy bumps and red patches that can appear anywhere on the surface of the skin. Apart from the embarrassing appearance of urticaria it is extremely uncomfortable, particularly the excessive itchiness. Hives or urticaria can occur in anyone of any age and is usually associated with environmental factors that can affect lifestyle and diet. Although there are many known treatments currently used for treating hives, there are now more and more natural […]

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